Jumat, 03 Juli 2015

Distributor Lampu PJU  LED murah Dan berkualitas.........

Hasil gambar untuk pju led Natec
Hasil gambar untuk pju ledHasil gambar untuk pju led

PT,Samudera Asia Pasifik

www.sa-pasifik.com Adalah Suplayer Elektrikal yang menyediakan segala macam lampu PJU dan interior LED


Hasil gambar untuk solar cellDistributor Solar Cell Ramah lingkungan dan Murah 

Solar panel production and manufacturing

    • “The solar boom has injected billions of dollars into research to improve international solar production.”
How solar panels work and how solar panels are made
Solar cells are carefully placed in a series of rows. Individual cells are connected using a thin conductive strip. This strip is woven over and under each silicon cell so that every cell in the solar panel is connected and creates an electrical circuit.
The solar cells are then covered with a heavy duty piece of glass and framed using an aluminium frame. On the back of every solar panel are two leads. These leads are used to connect individual solar panels together to form an array of solar panels which are connected to the solar inverter.
